Embed RefNet on Your Website
Copy this code and paste it in your html where you want the player to display
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://hosted.muses.org/mrp.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">MRP.insert({url: 'https://stream.refnet.fm/embed', lang: 'en', codec: 'mp3', volume: 100, autoplay: false, buffering: 5, title: 'RefNet', forceHTML5: true, wmode: 'transparent', skin: 'mcclean', width: 180, height: 60});</script>
Share RefNet on Your Website
- 125×125
- 260×125
- 260×260

Copy this code and paste it in your html where you want it to display
<a href="https://refnet.fm" target="_blank" title="Listen to RefNet" onclick="(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); window.open('https://listen.refnet.fm/popup#start', 'Popup', 'width=320,height=460,top=50,left=50,screenX=50,screenY=50').focus(); })(event);"> <img src="https://refnet.fm/images/125x125.jpg" width="125" height="125" alt="Listen to RefNet" /> </a>

Copy this code and paste it in your html where you want it to display
<a href="https://refnet.fm" target="_blank" title="Listen to RefNet" onclick="(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); window.open('https://listen.refnet.fm/popup#start', 'Popup', 'width=320,height=460,top=50,left=50,screenX=50,screenY=50').focus(); })(event);"> <img src="https://refnet.fm/images/260x125.jpg" width="260" height="125" alt="Listen to RefNet" /> </a>

Copy this code and paste it in your html where you want it to display
<a href="https://refnet.fm" target="_blank" title="Listen to RefNet" onclick="(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); window.open('https://listen.refnet.fm/popup#start', 'Popup', 'width=320,height=460,top=50,left=50,screenX=50,screenY=50').focus(); })(event);"> <img src="https://refnet.fm/images/260x260.jpg" width="260" height="260" alt="Listen to RefNet" /> </a>